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糗百-成人版 英语勤学伴:陪你观赏原声电影 - 中文字幕
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糗百-成人版 英语勤学伴:陪你观赏原声电影发布日期:2024-10-06 00:27    点击次数:116

Chapter One (初始—00:04:15) 称号解读: 影片名Zootopia是zoo + utopia(乌托邦)的组合。Utopia(乌托邦) 是英国空念念社会主义者托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More)所著书名的简称。作家在书里形色了他所念念象的莫得阶层的幸福社会,并把这种社会叫作乌托邦,也不错消灭为中国的极乐寰宇。 这部电影以乌托邦为基础糗百-成人版,念念象多样动物和洽地生计(live in harmony)在动物城里。多样动物安居乐业,各得其所。从这个角度来说,Zootopia这个创意就很贴切了,不外影片官方的中语翻译为《荒诞动物城》,走的是贸易化的说念路,近似的翻译还有《荒诞原始东说念主》(The Croods)、 《天主也荒诞》(The God Must Be Crazy)、《修女也荒诞》(Sister Act)。 手脚迪士尼影业出品的一部优秀动画片,该片于2016年3月4日在中国大陆与北好意思同步上映。2016年12月,《荒诞动物城》被好意思国电影学会选为2016年度十佳电影。2017年1月,获取第74届好意思国电影电视金球奖*佳动画长片奖。2017年2月,该片获取第89届奥斯卡金像奖*佳动画长片奖。 值得一提的是,在2019年国产动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》上映之前,国内上映的动画电影票房榜的榜首一直王人是由《荒诞动物城》占据。是以,在观赏这部迪士尼电影的同期,咱们也但愿国产动画能有更多的极品供咱们观赏。减师半德,底下插足**章。 Fear, treachery(造反), blood lust(渴慕). (1)Thousands of years ago these were the forces that ruled our world,a world where prey(猎物) were scared of predators(食肉动物、捕食者) . And predators had an (2)uncontrollable biological urge to maim(摧毁), and maul(撕咬), and… Awww!Blood! Blood! Blood! And…death! Back then, the world was (3) divided in two. Vicious(凶猛的) predator, or meek(顺心的) prey. But (4) over time, we evolved(进化), and moved beyond our primitive(原始的) savage(高慢的) ways.Now predator and prey (5) live in harmony. And every young mammal has multitudinous(多量的) opportunities. Yeah, I (6) dont have to cower in a herd anymore.Instead, I can be an (7) astronaut. I dont have to be a lonely hunter anymore.Today I can hunt for(寻找;找责任) tax exemptions(罢职).Im gonna(=going to) be an actuary(精算师).【把稳:电影片断里翻译为持捕逃税的东说念主并不准确,应该是寻找税务减免的办法】 And I can make the world a better place.I am going to be…a police officer! Bunny cop? That is the (8) most stupidest thing I ever heard! (1)Thousands of years ago these were the forces that ruled our world,a world where prey were scared of predators.这句话里出现由that和where领导的两处定语从句:that领导的定语从句,先行词force,that在从句作东语。这句话消灭为统率咱们寰宇的力量;where领导的定语从句,此处消灭为一个猎物短促捕食者的寰宇。 be scared of:短促;怯生生 e.g.Be confident.Dont be scared of your opponents.要有自信,不要短促你的敌手。 本句疏漏:几千年前,即是这些力量统率着咱们的寰宇,一个猎物短促捕食者的寰宇。 (2)uncontrollable biological urge:难以截止的本能冲动 uncontrollable的词根为control(截止),通过附加抵赖前缀un 和刻画词后缀able得来。 e.g.unbelievable: 难以置信的 urge:n.冲动v.催促 e.g.I was so hungry that I urged the waiter to serve the dishes faster.我太饿了,催促就业生上菜再快点。 (3)divide:分开(侧重于把合座分红部分) It may seem impossible to small minds.Im looking at you, Gideon Grey.But, (9) just 211 miles away, stands the great city of Zootopia. Where our ancestors first joined together in peace and declared that anyone can be anything! Thank you and good night. Judy, you ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so darn happy? Nope(=no) Well, we gave up on(对……扬弃但愿) our dreams, and we settled.Right, Bon? Oh, yes.Thats right, Stu.We settled hard.You see, thats the beauty of complacency(自诩), Jude.If you dont try anything new, youll never fail. (这句很耐东说念主寻味哦!) I like trying, actually. What your father means, honey, is that its gonna(=going to) be difficult, impossible even…for you to become a police officer. Right.Theres never been a bunny cop. No. Bunnies dont do that.Never. Never. Well…Then I guess Ill have to be the first one. Because I am gonna make the world a better place! Or, heck(口吻词,默示略略吃惊或恼怒), you know.You wanna(want to白话中的说法) talk about making the world a better place, (10)no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer. e.g.This film is divided into 26 small parts. 如果把不同的东西分开,应该用separate。 e.g.The teacher separates the boys from the girls. (4)over time:跟着技术推移。此外,over有在……技术的真理。 e.g.Lets discuss it over coffee. (5) live in harmony:和洽相处 (6) not anymore=no more:不再 (7) astronaut:宇航员 astro是一个前缀,默示和星星、天体、天地联系的事物,比如astronomer: 天文体家;astronomy: 天文体。 (8)most stupidest:此处其实是有语智商虚的,小孩子把*高档的用法相通了,正确抒发应该是stupidest 好像the most stupid。 (9)just 211 miles away, stands the great city of Zootopia 为十足倒装句,即把整个谓语动词提到句首。当默示场地、主见的介词短语位于句首时,句子使用十足倒装的样貌。 e.g.Under the tree lay a boy. Yes! Your dad, me, your 275 brothers and sisters, were changing the world. Yeah.One carrot at a time. (11)Amen to that.Carrot farming is a noble profession. Just pulling their seeds out. And one with the soil.Just getting covered in dirt. You get it(消灭), honey? I mean, its great to have dreams. Yeah, just (12)as long as you dont believe in them too much.(又一句发东说念主深省的话哦!) Where the heckd (heck did 的缩写) she go? 浅薄话序:A boy lay under the tree. (10) no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer 莫得什么比当一个种胡萝卜的农民更好的事情了。相比级的抵赖样貌默示*高档的含义。 e.g.I have never spent a more worrying day.这是我履历的*令东说念主追念的一天。 (11) Amen to that= I certainly agree with that.我固然应许阿谁认识。 (12) as (so) long as:惟有 e.g.You can use my dictionary as long as you return it on time. 你不错使用我的辞书,惟有你依期璧还就行。 Quiz: 1.What did Judy want to be when she grew up? A.An astronaut. B.A tax actuary. C.A police officer. 2.What was the attitude of Judys parents to her dream? A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Indifferent. 3.Which one of the following is right? A.The predators and preys lived in harmony in the past. B.Gideon Grey was friendly to Judy. C.Judy was determined to be a cop.

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